Thoughts on the future

Being accepted for the Country Living fair in Spring 2011 is going to help me to focus. Am very excited about it! This is a link to my LIKE page where you can read more. I will be blogging about my progress as I think it would be very helpful for someone like me who hasn't actually done a big retail fair like this to document all the things you have to do to prepare. I've exhibited locally but this is completely different.!/pages/Moobaacluck/108970109141355?ref=sgm

I will let you know if I am accepted for the BCTF too which, as a trade fair, would be totally different but potentially life changing.

Here are pics of my garden a few days ago. After going to Spain and it was lovely to see things bursting up all over the  place.. although of course there are more weeds than anything!


  1. Lovely pictures of your garden and congratulations on being accepted for the Country Living Fair, I will be very interested to read about your journey towards it. I have also taken some pictures in my garden but more about the mini beasts who live there Angel Eden

  2. Just read you FB post congrats ! this is what we all dream about, your journey will be very helpful in case we are ever lucky enough to get that far xxx

  3. Thank you so much; it feels like a mountain to climb at the moment! Meeting a friend who is an old hand at the CL shows in a couple of weeks so should have some news then. x Gabs


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